My father is going deaf, but will not have a hearing test The TV presenter and comedian Graham Norton advises readers


Dear Graham

My father is becoming increasingly hard of hearing, but he is a very stubborn alpha male and suggestions that he get a hearing test fall on deaf ears.

He was always rude and impatient with his own parents if they failed to wear their hearing aids, and doesn’t seem to see the irony in following in their footsteps.

He has to have the television so loud that nobody else in the house can sleep. He looks bored and miserable when other people are talking as he can’t join in. We speak to him loudly and slowly, but even then are berated for ”muttering’’. I feel especially sorry for my mother, who has to spend all her time shouting and being shouted at.

He is comfortably off so could afford the best, most discreet hearing aid available, if only he would consider the idea. I don’t know if it’s possible to buy them as gifts, but even if we did, I think it would take a lightning bolt of realisation for him to try them.Kate W, Bristol

Dear Kate

Please believe me when I tell you that I do understand your frustration, but whatever

you and your mother are going through is nothing compared to what is happening to your father.

He must know he is going deaf, but for whatever reason he isn’t ready to admit it yet. I imagine it’s because if he accepts his loss of hearing he has to acknowledge his age and the various indignities that come with it. He must remember what his own parents suffered and understandably isn’t ready to join that club just yet. Give him time to acknowledge it. Nobody gets glasses when they need them, they buy them to cure blinding headaches or after walking into a wall.

Provide him with the phone numbers, leaflets and websites he needs and then let him decide when the time is right. He may not be able to hear what you are saying, but nor can you feel what he is feeling. 

Graham Advises


Advice on caring for your eyesight and hearing


Although all of us dread going blind or deaf, few of us are proactive about protecting our eyes and ears; they’re easy parts of the body to neglect. Yet, research has shown – and doctors confirm – that with surprisingly little extra care it’s easy to improve your chances of retaining your senses, not to mention avoiding infections and irritations.

Indeed new research has shown that our basic diet is as important as hygiene or health care: a recent study from Nigeria, published in the journal Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery, linked low levels of folate or folic acid, a B vitamin, to hearing loss in the elderly.

Study author Akee Olawale Lasisi of the University of Ibadan explains: “Based on our research, age-related hearing loss may be associated with poor micro-nutrient status. The role of folate in cellular metabolism, the nervous system and vascular function is important for the auditory system.”

Previous studies have found that B vitamins may also help prevent age-related macular degeneration – the leading cause of blindness in people 65 and older – when a layer of the eye deteriorates, blurring the centre of the field of vision and making it difficult to recognise faces, read and drive. The 2009 study, conducted at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and published last year, found that women (although the results should apply equally to men) who took a combination of B vitamins – B-6, folic acid and B-12 – reduced their risk of macular degeneration by more than one-third after seven years compared to women taking dummy pills.

Dr William Christen, who carried out the survey, said it is too soon to suggest universal B vitamin supplements but recommended that people with the disease should talk to their doctors about over-the-counter supplements to help support the eyes. These contain vitamins C and E and zinc, which prior studies have shown help slow the disease.

Christen and others recommended food sources of B vitamins and folic acid such as meat, poultry, fortified cereals, beans, nuts, leafy vegetables, spinach and peas. Other research has linked supplements of a micro-nutrient called lutein and omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oils to healthier eyes (and reduced loss of sight).

Andrew McCombe, a consultant ear nose and throat surgeon at Frimley Park Hospital Surrey, and spokesman for head and neck surgery information service ENT-UK, suggests that if you want to keep your ears working well you should think about all three parts: the outer ear (which acts as a funnel for sound), the middle ear (which equalises pressure between outer and inner ears via the eustachian tubes), and the inner ear (where soundwaves are converted and sent to the brain for interpretation).

“You need to look after all the parts to protect your hearing,” he says. Firstly, he recommends that you leave ear wax alone: “It is a misconception that it needs to be cleaned out; it is a build-up of sebum secretions and old skin, and should naturally drop out.

“If you feel you must get it out, try sodium bicarbonate ear drops from a pharmacist to soften the wax (olive oil or hydrogen peroxide drops can work, too). Syringing by a doctor or nurse can be useful, but there is no need to go all the time and if you do have them sucked out once, it can be a one-off.”

Problems in the middle ear tend to be a feature of early childhood, says McCombe. “Some children find they don’t work too well; in this case, grommets can be placed in the ear drum where they help the flow of air and pressure, and help prevent ear infections.”

In adults, he warns, middle-ear infections can be caused by flying with a cold: “The ear will struggle to keep pressure equal which can cause bruising of the chamber, earache and fluid build-up leading to infection. If you have to fly with a cold, invest in a decongestant, and concentrate on sucking a sweet on descent as that’s when you really need to get the eustachian tubes open, as pressure is more difficult to stabilise.”

If you do get an earache, he recommends painkillers for 24 hours, but if that doesn’t settle down, head to the GP for antibiotics.

The inner ears are more difficult to care for: “Try not to bang your head as injuries can damage your hearing and your balance permanently,” says McCombe. “Consider wearing a helmet when skiing or cycling for example. If you suffer an infection such as labyrinthitis, which will affect balance, there is nothing much you can do except wait for your body to recover from the virus. Take rest and plenty of fluids.

“Also be aware that this is a sensitive organ and if you listen to loud noises for protracted times, you can damage your hearing. Anything above 85 decibels (a busy street with traffic noise) for longer than eight hours will put you at risk, and the risk increases sharply so that at 94 decibels, you could suffer damage after just one hour.”

He adds: “Rock concerts can be about 110 decibels, so you could think about using ear plugs – don’t be concerned about sound quality. Research shows that using an ear plug can help improve function so that your hearing of the music is better not worse.”

When it comes to eye care, Prof Dan Reinstein, lead surgeon at the London Vision Clinic, cautions against supplements which make claims about preserving sight: “People need to be cautious; far better to eat healthily and take in nutrients in food.”

Prof Reinstein says there are two key issues – smoking and screening. The latter is crucial and rarely undertaken after the age of 40, he says (only 30 per cent of the population wears glasses; the other 70 per cent don’t and therefore never visit an optician) – yet, you still need an eye test at least every two years.

“One of the leading causes of blindness is the disease glaucoma,” he explains, “yet you would never know you had it until it was advanced. Even the screening air-puff test is only 50 per cent effective.”

In glaucoma, the optic nerve is damaged, leading to progressive, irreversible loss of vision. It is often, but not always, associated with increased pressure of the fluid in the eye. “If we catch it early, we can treat it with drops and surgery, but any damage to the optic nerve is permanent so we can’t reverse it.”

“The real problem is macular degeneration,” Prof Reinstein says, “and the overwhelming way to avoid that is not to smoke cigarettes. Everyone has a high risk of developing macular degeneration – between 65 and 75, 15 per cent of the population will have it – a figure which rises to 30 per cent after 75. But if you smoke, your risk is double – I think a one in three chance of blindness is actually a much stronger reason to quit even than lung cancer.”

Smoking is so dangerous to sight because, think researchers, certain chemicals in cigarette smoke may disrupt blood flow to the retina, resulting in damage. These chemicals may also alter nutrients in the blood called antioxidants, which are thought to protect the macula against damage.

“The good news is that whenever you quit your chances of blindness start to diminish,” adds Prof Reinstein.


Source : The

RNID survey finds shop hearing loops ‘not usable’


A quarter of shops and businesses in Scotland which display signs claiming to have hearing loops do not have a usuable system, according to a study.

A survey by the Royal National Institute for the Deaf (RNID) sent mystery shoppers to 500 shops in Dundee, Glasgow, Paisley and Falkirk.

Some 132 shops displayed a loop sign but in 32 cases they were not working or staff did not know how to use them.

Hearing loops are a vital tool for the 168,000 hearing aid users in Scotland.

They transmit sound directly to the hearing aid user and filter out background noise.

Shopping can be a difficult experience if you don’t hear well, particularly in a noisy shop

Ken NicholsonRNID mystery shopper

Delia Henry, director of RNID Scotland, said: “Eighty per cent of shops were not accessible for hearing aid users at all, and in 25% of stores who promoted the fact they had a hearing loop, they either weren’t working or weren’t accessible for hearing aid users.”

A portable hearing loop system can be bought for £200 but the RNID came across some stores where good intentions had not been followed through.

Ms Henry added: “In one store the staff proudly showed us that they had a loop but it was still in a box. The company had spent money to make the store accessible but they hadn’t trained the staff how to use it. It was really a waste of investment.”

The RNID was surprised to find communication specialists performed particularly badly.

All branches of Carphone Warehouse visited by mystery shoppers were found to be inaccessible to hearing aid users.

The survey found hearing loops in some shops were not working

Mystery shopper Ken Nicholson went to the company’s Union Street branch in Glasgow. The hearing loop sign was clearly visible but when Mr Nicholson switched his hearing aid to the ‘T’ position he knew immediately it was not working.

Mr Nicholson said: “Shopping can be a difficult experience if you don’t hear well, particularly in a noisy shop.

“Passing the time of day with people is OK but if you want to know something precisely and you’re buying something important or expensive, if you’re not hearing 100% it’s a big disadvantage and an inconvenience.”

A spokesperson for the Carphone Warehouse said: “All of our stores should have working induction loops installed and we will investigate the issue with this particular store immediately. We apologise in the meantime.”

Staff training

Mr Nicholson said he had a similar experience at a branch of T-Mobile in Argyll Street. Despite displaying a hearing loop sign, staff told him they might have had one at some time but “probably hadn’t got one anymore”.

In a statement, T-Mobile said: “All T-Mobile’s retail stores have hearing loops in place for customers with impaired hearing and we’ve set this as an internal requirement for all new store builds.

“We’re sorry to hear about the incident in the Argyll [Street] store, where it’s been reported that the hearing loop was not in service.”

It added: “We’ve just recently completed a thorough staff education programme to ensure all employees are familiar with how the technology works and every customer has the best in-store experience.

“We will also be undertaking additional disability awareness training across our retail stores over the next few months.”

The RNID is warning businesses they may be breaking the law by not having working hearing loops.

The Equality Act of 2010 places a duty on retailers to allow equal access to disabled and able-bodied shoppers.

source: BBC

Ear problems can signal hearing, balance and other health issues


We’ve all experienced the discomfort of stubborn water remaining in the ear after a dip in the pool or a shower, a ringing sensation after attending a loud sporting event or a concert, or the sudden sensation of the room spinning, after standing up too quickly.

Our ears are made of tiny bones, passages and structures that not only control our hearing, but also our sense of balance and equilibrium. This delicate, intricate system can be thrown out of whack by many things: a cold, an infection, medication or an injury.

The three parts of the ear — outer, middle and inner ear — are all used in hearing. The outer and middle ear conduct sound waves, while the inner ear creates and sends the nerve impulses to the brain, where they are recognized as sounds. The inner ear also controls balance, which is why disorders of this part of the ear are particularly troublesome and can impact quality of life.

A common problem that affects more than 50 million Americans is tinnitus. With tinnitus, an abnormal ear noise such as roaring or ringing is heard in the ear. The noise has nothing to do with actual sound waves in the ear, but rather, is a “phantom” sound that’s heard either intermittently, or all the time. It can develop in the outer, middle or inner ear — and it can affect not only hearing, but balance too.

Tinnitus is challenging to diagnose and treat. It can be caused by many things and is generally a symptom of an underlying condition, such as damage to the inner ear by illness, injury or abnormal tissue growth.

Tinnitus can occur in one or both ears. The phantom sound can be constant or occur in episodes, and can be accompanied by vertigo — a spinning sensation or loss of balance. The condition can be caused by excess fluid, infection, disease of the middle ear bones or ear drum, advancing age, loud noise exposure, or medication. There are more than 200 medications — over-the-counter and prescription drugs — known to cause balance disorders. Sometimes, discontinuing the medication will reverse hearing and balance problems, but permanent damage is possible.

According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, tinnitus can be brought on by a variety of conditions, including impacted wax in the outer ear, an ear infection, middle ear tumors, vascular problems (circulation disorders), noise-induced hearing loss, heart problems, TMJ (chronic inflammation of the jaw), auditory nerve tumors, epilepsy, or Meniere’s disease, a disorder of the inner ear in which inner ear fluid is not properly regulated.

Unfortunately, for many tinnitus cases, there is no known cause or cure. Often, tinnitus goes away on its own, but if it persists, untreated, it can cause permanent ear noise and disability. Balance issues, an associated symptom, are difficult to manage. While the human body can learn to adapt to reduced balance control, it’s important to see a doctor, since compromised balance can lead to other problems, particularly in seniors who are prone to falls and injuries.

The first step in treating tinnitus is a medical evaluation by your doctor, an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist, or an audiologist, if hearing loss is suspected. Other diagnostic tests may include an MRI or CT scan to rule out the small possibility of a tumor on the balance or hearing nerve. Your doctor can locate the cause and recommend medical or surgical treatment, or suggest methods to alleviate tinnitus symptoms, if no identifiable cause can be found.


By Dr. Stephen Tai

Pottstown Memorial Medical Center


The Main Causes of Ringing In The Ears



Many, many people are suffering from a sensation of loud ringing in the ear. In fact nearly 50 million Americans share this suffering. If you are like so many people out there and would like to know what causes it, then read this article.


The loud ringing in the ear is technically defined as tinnitus. Tinnitus is defined as the perception of sound within the human ear in the absence of corresponding external sound. There is no cure for tinnitus as it is not a disease in itself but rather a symptom of something else.


Although there can be many causes for inducing the sensation loud ringing in the ears the following are the 4 top causes of the worsening the effects of tinnitus:

1. Loud noise: As you may have already experienced very loud noise such as a loud speaker or the discharging of a firearm will cause an immediate effect of the loud ringing in the ears. Often it might be a very mild effect which fades as time passes but can often times become permanent. This is the main preventable cause of tinnitus.


2. Ototoxic drugs: Ototoxic drugs are prescription medications that can cause hearing loss. Such medication can include, but is not limited to, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications.


3. Specific foods: Red-wine, grain-based spirits, cheese and chocolate have been known to trigger or worsen tinnitus in some people. Other things to be avoided would be nervous system stimulants such as alcohol and nicotine.


4. Loss of Hearing: Hearing loss and tinnitus often go hand in hand. Often times hearing loss causes the development of tinnitus. Fortunately, hearing aids can often help in reducing the effect of tinnitus in these situations.