Did Britney Spears Really Get Upset With Tone-Deaf Contestant And Storm Off X-Factor Set?

Here is new ‘The X Factor USA’ judge Britney Spears arriving for the first round of auditions in Austin, Texas, alongside fellow panelists Simon Cowell and LA Reid. The new panel of four swept into the Erwin Center for the first of two show tapings as crowds of fans cheered in excitement.

The sage advice of ex-judge, Nicole Scherzinger to Britney Spears for her new role as X Factor arbiter was to, “Speak from your heart. Just be you.” Our Brit-Brit seems to be doing just that quite admirably. Y’all know that the first round of auditions happened yesterday in Austin, right? The singer looked pretty prepared as she was photographed heading to the set in a hot coral mini that we orgininally though to be Herve Leger, but actually was a Brian Lichtenberg number. But a severe case of dramatitis seems to have struck on this debut effort already. Apparently, one contestant rocked up and decided to impress Britney by singing her song “Hold It Against Me.” But the story is that they were so bad and so desperately tone-deaf, that Ms. Spears actually got upset and walked off the set! How is that for a first day fracas?

There’s another side to the matter, though. There are certain sources who are saying that this whole thing is being blown out of proportion because Britney wasn’t upset at all and that she only “just took a short break.” Right, so it was just a case of her timing being impeccable? Britney herself got on twitter to address that issue and corroborated the sources, tweeting, “#Britneywalksoff??? LOL was just taking a little break people. I am having the BEST time!!!” Either way, contestants performed to just L.A. Reid, Simon Cowell and Demi Lovato for a couple of songs ’till La Spears returned. This show’s going to be fun — we can feel it!

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